Thursday, 9 August 2012

New Girl

 Hey :) I am Maria Francia Tirao. I am a super new blogger, quite an amateur and I don't really have the guts or the gadgets to maintain an acceptable blog, and honestly, I don't know why I'm doing this..Okay, I do. I am doing this for myself, not for attention or fame or for compliments, but for me, like an outlet. This blog will contain my thoughts, opinions on various things and my most awesome self.
                                                       Yes, I am very much happily smitten.
                               I LOVE clothes. And fashion. Though I do have a loooong way to go.

 Oh, look, flowers! Being a hopeless romantic, I'm a sucker for flowers. Pale pinks and whites. My Gramma grows beautiful geraniums and lilies and all sorts of orchids in her garden, but they're not in full bloom yet so I got this picture from Bonnie Barton of Flashes of Style (whom I idolize). :P

 This is my first official writing stint: Tadaa!! Death of Elizabeth. I co-wrote it with my best friend back in our 2nd year for a course requirement. The whole prod was made up of us sophomores, (My guy, Nico, being the leading man :P). We staged this at the UP Aldaba Hall. Quite an unforgettable experience. ;)
And of course. Potterhead alert! Harry Potter, The Boy Who Lived, The Chosen One with The King and the Greatest Witch of their age. My childhood, Hogwarts and J.K Rowling. :D
But I have lots (and lots and lots...) of other favorite books as well, but I can hardly post all of them. I am a very wide reader. Can somebody suggest some good books? I'm more of a fantasy/Romance kinda girl.

This is getting very looong... Hmm I think I'd just continue this another time. As for now, that's that. Hope and prayers for everyone, have a lovely smile today :)

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